Everything about Reiki Therapy


Reiki is an ancient therapy technique spiritually guided that balances body, mind and spirit. When the Reiki practitioner channels the energy of vitality into a body it promotes a person’s own natural healing abilities.

The energy comes from the universe, a higher source, which exists on a higher dimension than the physical world  and we are all familiar with.

Reiki is a Japanese term

Re= Universal life and Ki= energy.

Reiki is not affiliated with any particular religion or religious practice. It is no a massage type(some Reiki practitioners provide with a massage) nor is it based on belief or suggestion.

Some of the many Reiki health Benefits:

  • Creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension.
  • Accelerates the ability of self-healing in the body
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Helps relieve pain at the moment of the session and afterward.
  • Help in the process of breaking addictions.
  • Asist the body in cleaning itself from toxins. The energy will wash it out.
  • Supports the immune system.
  • Raises the vibrational frequency of the body.
  • Helps spiritual growth and emotional cleansing.

How it works when using Reiki as a therapeutic tool

The Reiki energy works by balancing the major chakras of the body. One session can bring relaxation and wellness of an animal, circumstance or a person. The healing energy can be used as a tool in our daily life, including bringing balance to documents, properties and even the constant alignment of our energetic centers are released from toxins can prevent illness and viruses.

Reiki offers deeper benefits when working together with conventional medicines. When Reiki sessions are provided together for a period of 2 weeks, it no only brings relaxation and wellness, but it can also relief chronic illnesses and even prevent them.

Reiki is positive, it’s always light, it is an energy that animals, our bodies and plants are familiar with and receive the energy without judgment.

Methods of Reiki

Reiki treatment for documents and situations.

For the highest good of…

Here is a short list of everything that might need light.

  • Documents
  • Goals for the future; legal paperwork, house plans, business plans, contracts and more.
  • Properties, cars, houses,  lands  and more.
  • Important meetings.
  • Doctors appointments and procedures.
  • Family relationships.

Each of these Reiki treatments have individual needs. There is no need to disclose the nature of them, it is important to remember that Reiki only vibrates and works for the highest good intentions and the energy will dissipate when it doesn’t vibrate for those intentions.

This is how it works.

The Reiki Master will hold/or channel the energy (case of distance Reiki) to the object in particular, could be an agenda, an envelope or a folder to provide the healing energy and will meditate on it. There is no need to disclose the nature of it.

Reiki is only light , balance and promotes regeneration and it will bring only the best of the client. For example; a doctor appointment might have to be rescheduled; a divorce document will result with a new agreement for both parties or only for the benefits of kids involved.

Know that Reiki energy vibrates in harmony with everything with in the Universe and everyone involved in a every day situation including people we are going to cross our path such, health personal in a hospital, a customer service, taxi driver and so on the list is endless.

Every single person/situation we encounter/ experience in our life time belongs to our life’s mission either to learn the most of or we will teach the most.

Healing through time and space or Distance Reiki session

The healing energy of Reiki it’s no limited by time and space. Wherever the energy of the universe  it ‘s needed it is available today as our birthright. Reiki sessions can travel through time and space inside or outside of a city, state and country.

A Reiki practitioner will use the ancient healing method of Reiki in order to fulfill any session in the place and time needed whether it’s the past, the present and the future. Every case in particular will be balanced including difficult situations from the past events that need light in order to alleviate present issues.

In case of traumatic/stressful situation from the past(date, place and exact time is required) for these therapeutic sessions. A series of 4 or more Reiki sessions will be required to assist in traumatic/stressful situation from the past. The Reiki master will work together with the person involved or a direct family member.

This Reiki sessions are provided from the exact date of the past and sessions gradually towards the present time in order to bring light and removed the feelings that is holding the client to live a full filling live as we are all intended to.

Distance Reiki sessions are a great method to assist pets, farm animals, wild animals, animals at the zoo. Go to Reiki for animals for details.

What to expect during a Reiki session for a person.

The Reiki session has to be performed  back and front of the body. Once the client fills the intake application will proceed to sit on a chair or lay down on a massage table fully clothed.

The Reiki practitioner will place her/his hands hovering on the air to a few inches from each chakra of the person. There are other practitioners who place the palm of their hands directly on the skin of the client without applying too much pressure.

This hands on healing technique will last on each place the seconds/ minutes according to the practitioner’s feelings on their hands. This hands on spiritual guidance can be described like their hands move with gently magnetic attraction from a spot to another or simply the hands stay steady on an area.

Either way the energy of vitality Reiki will flow to the area the body needs the most.


A treatment can last between 40 minutes to 50 minutes. Reiki is spiritually guided, so the time of a session varies from person to person.

“The best way to understand Reiki is experience it” -Madam Takata

A session treating a minor problems or short term goals one or two sessions may be enough. On the other hand, sessions for a significant problem the best results are achieved by three to four sessions three to four days running them weekly sessions spreading out to fortnightly and monthly as the condition improves.

What does it feel like?


The flow of energy can be felt in various ways. Although, most people described a switch of energy in their being such deep calmness and content others had expressed the following feelings.

-A cooling/warm sensation on each area while being treated.

-A small vibration. Although, this feeling is associated to the toxins release. Toxins will be release with the feeling or not.

– An spontaneous emotional release during and after the session. When the blockages are released the emotions naturally flow. 

-Some people don’t feel any physical sensation at all, but described mental or emotional changes such as a sense of calmness or peace. Nearly everyone experiences a treatment as deeply relaxing.

-Many people feels the full Reiki session hours later. Some claimed that they felt the hands of the practitioner on each Chakra at the sleeping time. This feelings can be many explanations.

One of the explanations respond to the willingness of the mental and astral body to restore and self healed with no judgement. As people go to sleep/rest they set their mind ready to have a restoring night, therefore, the physical and spiritual bodies are willing to received and processed everything they received during the day. That’s is why the importance of healthy positive habits in daily life. At night, the body only knows what to do, and it is process and absorb what we give it during the day.

Reiki distance sessions carries the same feelings. Even so, some people claimed that they felt the full session in their bodies an a hour before of the agreed time.

The universal healing force there are no limitations no judgements. There are no right or wrong way of feeling the healing session. It does no have limitation from space and time and sessions can be performed across the planet.

Reiki is used by many medical professionals in their daily life.

When to wait before Reiki (animals and people)

Reiki is generally regarded as a safe, non-invasive practice that does not compete with other interventions. Although there are no known contraindications for Reiki, it will be the best to wait for Reiki session.

Reiki is a regenerating energy, it stimulates, the cells to divide and work faster. There are situations where the body should work at its own speed for instance.

-Broken bones after a doctor place it in the right place is better to wait 3-4 days before channeling Reiki energy.

-Reconstructive surgeries (Reiki is best before/during surgery) but wait 4-5 days after if nerves and blood vessels were re-attached.

-2 degree burns. 5 days after medical attention was received.

-Diabetes mellitus (only if the person/animal is under insulin treatment)

Reiki healing energy is a tool for use at any moment, any time, any where for on-the-spot stress release, pain relief and quick energy recharge.

If you are ready to schedule any of the Reiki services Services and pricing

For any additional information feel free to contact RMT Elizabeth Byrne to indigonature@hotmail.com

What is an Intuitive healer or Reiki practitioner.

Reiki practitioners are people who accomplished any of the Reiki levels training and already been attuned to be channel the healing energy of the universe by a Reiki Master/Teacher.

They work only as channels of the omniscient and intelligent energy will go where it’s needed they cannot provide any health diagnosis. Reiki practitioners can provide healthy tips or suggestions that will benefit the client because it is spiritually guided. Reiki practitioners have the responsibility to keep their mind and body in the most balanced possible.

Levels of Reiki

Training as an intuitive healer or Reiki practitioner is  the first step of discovering a broad and amazing world we already are familiar with. It will assist each student to learn how to access the energy part of the self and others. Each training will raise the body’s energy field created by the vibration of the matter to a higher level. Every attunement(Initiation ceremony that takes place on each level of Reiki) allows us to discover  more possibilities than the human eye can catch. 

Many people start Reiki training for different reasons such as self-healing, a goal of a professional career or just to disprove the practice, they found the profound personal benefits in the  Reiki practice and kept it as a personal base for continuing the self discovery.

Reiki I= This level  is about self-healing and knowledge about Reiki, Learning about meditation, the aura and more.

“Once I learn about myself and respect my process , I will be able to assist others with the same compassion.”

Reiki level II= This is an intensive and dynamic training when the Reiki I practitioners  will achieve advanced knowledge about how far Reiki can reach in order to achieve healing into a deeper level. There will be practice during the class and more practice by themselves.

“Only by embracing each other’s Journeys,  we will recognize that we all are light and their sparks are essential to our path towards Awakening.”

Once accomplished Reiki level II the practitioner will be capable of providing intuitive healing at a professional level.

Reiki level III or Reiki master=  The Reiki I practitioners will learn new advanced techniques  including meditation, healing of the self and distance healings. 

     “The more spiritual experiences I have, the more I know that I don’t know anything yet”- RMT Elizabeth Byrne.

Reiki master/teacher. This is the level when the Reiki masters learn new techniques of how to guide other practitioners in a more effectively. There are some advanced teaching techniques as an instructor level.

“As a humble intuitive healer, I invite you to accept the knowledge that I have collected to guide others”- RMT Elizabeth Byrne.

Reiki I, II and Reiki master for Animals=  This class will teach the importance of the of animal existence on the planet and on humans lives; healing animal techniques; meditation and communication with animals.

 “The amazing animal form are no other than the extension of the Earth energies to all of us”

Channeling Reiki energy not only provides wellness to others, but also to Reiki practitioners while channeling the energy. It is a wonderful self growth spiritual journey that all of us can benefit from. It can make people more intuitive, therefore more compassionate to others.

It will bring awareness about our Earth and the Universe accepting that we all are one and it is our best interest to assist one to another.

“Learning Reiki changed my life in all aspects “- Reiki Master/teacher Elizabeth Byrne.

Thank you for reading All about Reiki.