Reiki I= There are no requirements to take this class. The personal journey starts in this class. Reiki level I is about self healing and includes all the information related to the layers of the body and the universe, the aura and basics of meditation.
There will be an attunement ceremony that will allow the person’s energy vibration to rise. Students will feel like a joyful birth that will assist with self-discovery.
Class duration = 1 full day.
Capacity: remote class 1- 4 participants; in person class 5 participants.
Reiki level II= Certification of Reiki I is required. This is intensive training when the Reiki practitioners level one will learn the use of the Reiki sacred symbols; advanced meditation techniques and more material that will require dedication and practice.
The practitioner level I will be attune and the personal vibration energy will rise to a higher level. The energetic centers will be more open and the personal journey will rise with it. It is a beautiful event that will bring joy to the students.
Once achieved all these learnings the practitioner will be capable of providing intuitive healing in a more professional level to others because they will have more tools of healing.
Class duration = 2 or 3 days. Depending on the number of trainees and the way the class is given.
Capacity: remote class 2 participants; in person class 3 participants.
Reiki level III or Reiki master= Requirements:
-Certification of Reiki II.
-1.500 Reiki hours accumulated between meditation, healing others and use of the Reiki symbols.
The practitioner II will be attune and give the Reiki Master sacred symbol. This class includes; advanced healing techniques; initiating others as Reiki practitioners level I,II,and III.
The personal vibration will raise to a higher level after the attuning. The practitioner level II will learn advanced meditation; How to initiate others and the use of meditation for healings. Practice and more practice.
Class duration : 1-2 days.
Capacity: remote class 2-3 participants; in person class 3 participants.
Reiki master/teacher. Requirements: Certification of Reiki Master.
This is the level when the Reiki masters will learn new techniques of how to initiate others to levels I, II, III; basics of healing animals; guiding techniques for practitioners of any level and Advanced meditation among other subjects.
Class duration: 1 day.
Capacity: remote class 3-4 participants; in person class 4 participants.
Reiki I, II and Reiki master for Animals= Requirements: Certification Of Reiki II.
This is an intensive class where Reiki practitioners will be attune again and will learn subjects like the animal aura; communication with animals; healing with animals; healing animals; meditation techniques.
Class duration: 1 day.
Capacity: remote class 2-3 participants; in person class 3 participants.
*The requirements are essential for advanced classes, because it is in the best interest of all to use the invested time on advanced subjects.